August 23, 2008

S. #26 Wild Strawberry Juice

Authors note: During sabbatical this blog is a daily semi-personal journal of activities and insights.

Spent the morning in chores and in the Word and the early afternoon in study and reading.

Deb and I took a long mountain hike. It was a good work out, it was beautiful. Saw deer. Spent a lot of time picking and enjoying wild blueberries and wild strawberries.

Standing at 7500 feet, in a clearing with pine trees surrounding, with sparkling fresh air filling our lungs, feasting our eyes on a hundred miles of mountains, trees, and lakes; with the tingling taste of wild strawberries dancing on our tastebuds, and blueberry juice dribbling down our face, with our hands clasped together in a mixture of friendship and romance, with our hearts light & free & happy, with our eyes lifted to our Father in heaven...truly one of those moments to capture, savor, and remember.

Creation floods my spirit with the presence and goodness of God..."Thank you Jesus for the intricate works of your hands".

Watched two of Lindsey's former classmates compete in the Olympics. Bryan Clay was with her at APU...he won the gold in the decathlon...and Tony Azevedo was with her at Wilson High School and he led the water polo team to the gold medal round.

Lindsey and two friends from Fuller Seminary arrived at 2:30am.

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