October 18, 2007

In the Middle of the Night

Let me see you in the middle of the night,
When the dark is long,
When the questions far exceed answers,
When the tossing of my body, reflects the churning of my mind.

Let me see you in the middle of the night,
When my efforts seem so great and my accomplishments seem so small,
When my thoughts bounce like a pin ball that makes noise but scores no points,
When my silent prayers seem as merely a pointless conversation with myself.
Let me see you in the middle of the night,
When the distance ahead is matched only by the distance to return
And I am trapped between reaching for more or being content with less.

Let me see you in the middle of the night,
When I must view you by faith alone.

Let me see you so I may be stilled by you,
And so I may help others see you in the middle of their night.

For you alone are my rest in the middle of the night.
- larryjoewalkemeyer 10 18 07


Michele said...

Larry, this brought tears to my eyes! It is beautifully written and I can relate so closely to what you said. Have you heard the song "I Am Yours" by Misty Edwards? It is one of my favorites lately and as I wake in the middle of the night, the words run through my head: "Though I sleep, my heart is awake. Though it's night, on You I wait ... in the middle of the night my heart it yearns ..." Michele

Linda said...

I am strangely comforted by the fact that even you wake and have doubts in the night!