January 21, 2010

The 2 American Idols

A poll by the Pew Research Center reveals that "eighty-one percent of 18- to 25-year-olds…said getting rich is their generation's most important life goal." The second most important, according to the survey: being famous." Described as the "millennial" generation, 51 percent listed being famous as the second most important life goal! 

A Gallup Panel survey of 18- to 29-year-olds found that 55 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, "You dream about getting rich." 

Most telling are the results of an annual survey of college freshmen by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, in which 2005 data show that "the percentage who say it is ‘essential' or ‘very important' to be ‘very well off financially' grew from 41.9% in 1967 to 74.5% in 2005." Ironically, "developing a meaningful philosophy of life" dropped in importance from 85.8% in 1967 to 45% in 2005."

A couple of personal observations: 1. Thank God I know a lot of 18-29 year olds that are just the opposite of this. They are selling out to Jesus, living for eternal rewards, giving their lives to serve others, finding a great reason to live!

2. I am not surprised by these results. The more we saturate our society with sensuality, pleasure, "reality" shows, celebrity-ism and the more we STARVE the Spirit by decreasing the value of -the church, the objective truth of the Word, the nuclear family...the more we will see these kind of results. 

May God deliver us from "the deceitfulness of riches" and the "deception of pride"...is it any wonder that God in His love warns us so strongly of their ability to tempt us from His path of "abundant and meaningful life"? 

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